Strategy Execution



You would like to reach your objectives faster? Lead a committed team to clearly defined objectives and watch as progress unfolds?

84% of all failed business strategies, did not succeed because of poor execution. How does this happen? Once a strategy has been decided upon, the strategic plan is followed with enthusiasm, until more pressing, daily issues are treated with priority. Less progress is made every day, the focus shifts back to managing the present rather than the future. Finally, the strategic plan disappears into the drawer.
Sounds familiar? Well, you are not alone.

Good execution is a real challenge. What is needed, for sound execution, are clearly defined target states, the elaboration of the strategic gap across several fields of action, OKR definitions, OKR management, and most likely some guidance and coaching along the way. But this alone is not enough of course. You need quick successes, commitment teams, etc., etc.

Do you want to achieve new targets, implement a new strategy, answer to the actions of your competitors or market changes? Then you will have to (most likely) change the way you do things today. Different results require different actions. Same old, same old, will result in downturn eventually. Managers, who want to make progress quickly, have to break out of their prison of experience of everyday management and follow new paths. This also means that new methods are needed to launch projects, lead teams and generate progress.

Successful organisations have usually worked out very efficient ways to produce or deliver their products and services. They are often market leaders with high quality results and a low cost basis. These organisations find it incredibly difficult to adapt quickly to change. They are hesitant to try new things, to do things differently. They quickly fall back to old patterns when they do. They are prisoners of their experience. People think and act within the frame of excellence the corporation has established. Employees give in to the urge of using methods and tools that are familiar and have proven to be successful, are excepted within the organisation. The consequence: The same results as before.

In volatile times, organisations need to continuously change and adapt, if they want to remain market leaders in the future. Agility, focus and speed, are the three most essential success factors for execution. “In real life, strategy is actually very straightforward. You pick a general direction and implement it like a hell.” says Jack Welch. Henceforth, teams need to be forced to leave their state of comfort, to go new ways, to do things differently, if what they want are different results.

Do you want progress and results quickly? Do you want a strategy implementation that works? Then let’s talk.



You would like to have clear objectives and know exactly which turn to take in the journey of the coming months and years? You seek clarity, certainty, and a plan to follow that will lead you to your next success level? Welcome to the club.

If you have not defined your market and products/services with razor-sharp precision if you want to grow, but do not know exactly with which products or services, then you have no strategy!

A former client, whom I hold dear, told me once: “No, Mr. Jansen, we have a strategy” referring to his financial growth target and unhelpful cause and effect network analysis. He did not want to put up with analytical exercises to define his markets and products. Too much was unknown and uncertain.  But this is exactly what strategy development is about: Finding the blind spots, shedding light into the darkness, or at least, making educated assumptions, to then, after evaluations, decide on the main drivers and one strategy to execute.

Gut decisions are important and often correct. Nevertheless, the most successful companies have clearly defined growth strategies. The strategy is the basis on which the growth of every company is built. If the basis is not right, has gaps, or is suboptimal, most business activities will not produce the desired results.

Clarity, purpose, vision, and clear objectives are needed to form sound strategies. If you would like to build a competitive strategy for your organization, let’s talk.